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Discover the Future of Lighting at the 2024 GILE Exhibition with Kinlights

Jun. 11, 2024



The Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition( GILE) is a the largest event that displays the most advanced and innovative products in the lighting sector. We're happy to present an assignation to you to take part in this event. When you come to the China Import and Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou from June 9- 12, 2024, callers will get an occasion to see the rearmost improvements in illumination tech. 

Discover the Future of Lighting at the 2024 GILE Exhibition with KinlightsDiscover the Future of Lighting at the 2024 GILE Exhibition with Kinlights

Event Details

Discover the Future of Lighting at the 2024 GILE Exhibition with Kinlights

• Date June 9- 12, 2024

 • Location: China Import and Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou

 • Kinlights Booth NO.: 1.1- B46 

Why Attend GILE 2024?

The Global Lighting Expo( GILE) is the most prominent and largest lighting show in Asia, and it draws specialists from each over the world. Actors will have the occasion to network with assiduity professionals, learn about the most recent trends, and admit perceptivity into the future of lighting through this event, which offers an unexampled occasion. 

What to Anticipate at Kinlights Booth1.1- B46

 • Innovative Products: Explore our most recent lighting results, which have been developed for a variety of operations, including lighting solution and lighting applications.

 • Sustainable results: Get further information about our environmentally friendly lighting druthers, which help minimise the quantum of energy used and the impact on the terrain.

 • Smart Lighting: Our slice- edge systems, which give remote control, robotization, and energy effectiveness, will allow you to witness the future of smart lighting.

 • Interactive Demonstrations: During live demonstrations of our products, you'll get the occasion to witness directly how they can fully transfigure surroundings.

 • Expert Consultations: Meet our platoon of experts who'll be on hand to bandy your lighting needs and give acclimatized results. 

Highlights of Kinlights' Immolations

• Energy-Effective: LEDs Learn about our most recent LED technologies, which give advanced brilliance and life while dwindling the quantum of power they consume.

 • Architectural Lighting: probe our selection of fashionable and practical lighting institutions that have been intended to ameliorate the aesthetics of architectural designs.

 • Outdoor Lighting: Take a look at our out-of-door lighting results that aren't only long- lasting but also resistant to the rudiments, thereby enhancing the aesthetic appeal of out-of-door areas.

 • Custom Lighting results: Take advantage of our bespoke design services, which will enable you to develop one- of-a-kind lighting results that are specifically suited to meet your conditions. 

About Kinlights

Kinlights is a prominent innovator in the lighting sector, and the company is devoted to furnishing lighting results that are of veritably high quality, effective in terms of energy use, and aesthetically beautiful. We aspire to meet the ever- changing requirements of our guests and to make a positive donation to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future by putting an emphasis on slice- edge technology and sustainability.


For further information about our products and services, please visit our website at

We look forward to drinking you to an illuminating experience at GILE 2024!




Kinlights at LED Expo Thailand 2017

Related Case

Kinlights is an Outdoor Lighting Manufacturer, Factory, Supplier and Exporter, factory in China, ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 and ISO50001 certified since 2015.

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+86 150 147 57085

1001, Building 2 NanTaiYunChuangGu, Guangming, Shenzhen, China

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